

The following are more publications that Ross Halgren has authored, contributed to or been referenced by regarding innovative Research & Development activities.

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Publication 7
 - In the mid 1990s, following expressions of concern regarding the need for coordinated progress in the development of new and evolutionary digital video services in Australia, the Joint Electrotechnology Standards Policy (JESP) Board of Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand established the Digital Video Services Task Group (DVSTG). The DVSTG focused on video initially, but soon realised that multiple services including audio, voice and data also needed to be addressed and that a reference model was required which allowed for many Customer Access Network (CAN) options, including at that time: Satellite, MDS, Cable/ADSL and Terrestrial. The DVSTG appointed Ross Halgren from AWA as the leader of the Reference Model sub-committee. The resultant publication " Strategies for the Development of Standards for Digital Video and Associated Services" was published in 1996 and the sections written or contributed to by Ross Halgren are highlighted in the TOC.

Publication 8 - In 2003, the Warren Centre celebrated its 20th year of achievement by publishing a book called "Pushing the Engineering Envelope". Project 2 on Local Area Networks (LANs) included a Case Studies group led by Ross Halgren and page 21 of the book mentions the contributions of the LAN project to AWA's new networking product - AWANET. Additionally, page 51 of the book summarises the Warren Centre's involvement in the Photonics in Australia Project and the 1998 overseas mission by Ross Halgren of Haltec Enterprises and Phil Carmont of Macquarie Bank to benchmark Australia's Photonics capabilities, which led to the founding of Redfern Broadband Networks.

Publications 9 & 10 - In May 1998, the Department of Industry, Science & Tourism and the  Warren Centre sponsored an International Mission to benchmark Australia's Photonics capabilities before committing to another 7 years of CRC funding. Haltec Enterprises' Director - Ross Halgren - was selected as the technical investigator for the Mission. Accompanying Ross Halgren was Phil Carmont as the commercial investigator representing Macquarie Bank. Following the Mission, two reports were written, being a comprehensive Visit Report and a Final Report. Both are available in pdf format, however, only the latter has been publicly released and is included as Appendix C to a  Photonics Industry Update Report conducted by Dr Eric Heyde in 2001 for the Department of Industry, Tourism & Resources,  AEEMA and the  Australian Photonics Forum.




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